Empowered by Marty Cagan

Empowered by Marty Cagan

Empowered by Marty Cagan


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The most viewed post on the Cub Think Tank is Marty Cagan's one about Product Management Theatre. This post is about his book Empowered.

"Empowered" by Marty Cagan is a compelling guide for technology leaders and product professionals aiming to transform their organizations into high-performing, innovative powerhouses. This book is primarily aimed at:

  • Product managers and leaders
  • Technology executives (CIOs, CTOs, VPs of Engineering)
  • Startup founders
  • Business leaders in traditional companies looking to become more tech-driven

Who would enjoy it

  • Professionals seeking to understand how top tech companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple operate
  • Leaders struggling with digital transformation initiatives
  • Product managers wanting to elevate their impact and career

If you enjoyed books like How Big Things Get Done, No Rules Rules by Reed Hastings or The Best Place to Work, you would likely find Empowered both insightful and practical.

Leadership is about recognizing that there's a greatness in everyone, and your job is to create an environment where that greatness can emerge.
Marty Cagan
Marty Cagan

This quote encapsulates one of the core themes of the book—the importance of leadership in fostering an environment where talented individuals can thrive and innovate.

5 Signs Your Organisation Needs to Read this book

If your organisation exhibits any of these signs, it might be time to pick up "Empowered" and rethink your approach to product development:

1. You View Technology as a Cost Center, Not a Business Driver

In contrast, in strong product companies, technology is not an expense, it is the business. Technology enables and powers the products and services we provide to our customers.
Marty Cagan
Marty Cagan

If your company sees technology as a necessary evil rather than a core business enabler, you're missing out on the innovation potential that drives successful product companies.

2. Your Teams Build Features, Not Solve Problems

In contrast, in strong product companies, teams are instead given problems to solve, rather than features to build, and most important, they are empowered to solve those problems in the best way they see fit.
Marty Cagan
Marty Cagan

If your product teams are simply implementing features handed down from above, rather than being empowered to solve customer problems, you're not tapping into their full potential.


Airbnb (Outcome-focused): Prioritizes specific, measurable improvements in key business and user experience metrics.

StayEasy (Output-focused): Focuses on implementing new features and functionalities.

3. Your Managers Don't Prioritise Coaching and Development

Coaching is what turns ordinary people into extraordinary product teams.
Marty Cagan
Marty Cagan

If your managers see coaching as a secondary task rather than their primary responsibility, you're missing out on the power of developing your talent into high-performing teams.

4. You Struggle to Attract and Retain Top Talent

We know our success will be largely affected by our ability to attract and retain a motivated employee base, each of whom must think like, and therefore must actually be, an owner.
Marty Cagan
Marty Cagan

If you're having trouble attracting or keeping top talent, especially in product and engineering roles, it might be because you're not creating an environment where they feel empowered and valued.

5. Your Product Teams Aren't Accountable for Results

Accountability for a product manager of an empowered product team means a willingness to take responsibility for mistakes.
Marty Cagan
Marty Cagan

If your teams aren't held accountable for the outcomes of their work, but only for delivering features on time, you're missing a key element of empowered product teams.

If you recognise your organisation in any of these signs, "Empowered" could provide the insights and strategies you need to transform your product development process, empower your teams, and drive real innovation.

It's not just about changing processes; it's about shifting mindsets and creating a culture where technology and product teams are at the heart of your business success.

Key principles covered in Empowered:

  • The critical role of technology in modern businesses
  • The importance of empowered product teams over feature teams
  • The need for strong product leadership and coaching
  • The value of solving problems collaboratively
  • The significance of accountability and integrity in product development

Cagan emphasizes the transformation from traditional IT mindsets to viewing technology as the core business enabler. He argues passionately for empowered product teams that are given problems to solve rather than features to build.

Coaching is what turns ordinary people into extraordinary product teams.
Marty Cagan
Marty Cagan

The book provides practical advice on developing product talent, from hiring to onboarding to ongoing coaching. Cagan stresses the importance of managers taking responsibility for their team members' growth and success.

This echoes the book we just covered in The Trillion Dollar Coach, where Bill Campbell's coaching philosophy transformed the leadership teams at Google, Apple, and other tech giants.

One of the most valuable aspects of Empowered is its insights into how top tech companies operate. Cagan draws on his extensive experience and connections in Silicon Valley to provide a behind-the-scenes look at what makes these companies so successful.

While the book is packed with actionable advice, it's not a quick fix. Cagan is clear that transforming an organization into one that truly empowers its product teams is a challenging, long-term endeavor. However, for those willing to put in the work, the potential rewards are substantial.

In conclusion

Empowered is a must-read for anyone involved in product development or technology leadership. It provides a roadmap for creating the kind of innovative, high-performing teams that drive success in today's technology-driven world.

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Vintage Postage Stamp of how technology is the business

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